Monday, April 29, 2013

Organizing the pantry and spices into canning jars using steps

After looking for several hours at many ideas online on how to organize my pantry, I realized that my boxes and boxes of canning jars would make a great storage solution.  I also had mayonnaise jars I stored with my traditional canning jars. And best, it was free!   

Whenever I would use any canning jars and wash them, I stored them with parchment paper screwed in with the lid.  That theroetically kept the jar clean and helped me know which jars were ready to be used, so I didn't need to wash them prior to use.  Seemed like a good step to take. 

With that in mind, I gathered up all of the clean jars and began putting all of my pantry items inside.  I wish I had taken a good photo of my pantry before the tidy.  You'll just have to take my word for it when I tell you it was really messy.  We couldn't find anything! 

As I emptied a larger container into a canning jar, I put any remnants in a large freezer bag and put it in the bins in the bottom of the pantry. 

I used a label program on my computer to make up the labels for the jars.  In hindsight, I think it would be better to use white labels with a clear plastic label over the top to seal the ink in.  If there were specific instructions, as for brown rice, I printed them on a separate label and put it on the lower part of the jar for easy access. 

To make the step-ups, I simply cut 2x4 boards to the right length to fit the width of the pantry, then set them inside.  Using a small scrap of 2x4 on each end of the back-most row raised it higher than the one before it.  This system could be used to make many rows of step-ups. 

Even though some liquid items on the upper shelf are not in uniform canning jars, because they are on the steps, they are easier to see and use. 

After seeing how great it looked, I went to my spice cupboard and did the same thing.  This time I used  pint sized jars.  The bins at the top contain specialty spice blends that we don't frequently use.  Only enough headspace exists in this small cupboard to make two rows and still be able to step-up the back row and be able to remove the jar easily over the front row.  So just one 2x4 was placed in back for that row. 

I alphabetized the spices, and seeing how well that worked for me, I went back to the pantry and alphabetized those jars too.  Yep, I'm over the top! 

I think the combination of uniform containers and the 'steps' is what made this work for me.  I can see my pantry ingredients and remove them easily.  I can find what I need quickly and painlessly!  And putting it back is so easy, the pantry stays clean and neat.  Hooray for organization!

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